
Day 1                             

Morning (9AM – 1PM):

Examination of the cranium (1): New craniometric points and practical update of the tests of the lines of force of the cranium (architecture of the osseous head). 

Afternoon (2:30PM-6:30PM):

Examination of the cranium (2): update and practice of the of the basic tests of the cranium (the 3 floors and the reciprocal tension membranes) with the integration of new tests (venous sinuses, foramen magnum, intraosseous tests of the occipital squama, occipito-odontoidal junction).

Clinical applications: cranium of the neonate, posturology, cranial trauma, headaches, etc.


Day 2                             

Morning (9AM – 1PM):

Examination of the cranium (3): update and practice of the of the basic tests of the cranium (the temporomandibular module and the teeth) with the integration of new tests (anterior nasal spine and vomer, mastoid process and petrous part of the temporal bone, tympanic bone, supramastoid crest).

Dix-Hallpike test and Epley maneuver

Clinical applications: posturology, scoliosis, vertigo, tinnitus, bruxism, etc.

Afternoon (2:30PM-6:30PM):

Examination of the cranium (4):  update and practice of the of the basic tests of the cranium (the bones of the face, the cavities of the face and the sutures of the cranium) with the integration of new tests (sphenoid).

Clinical applications: facial trauma, rhinitis, sinusitis, blocked lachrymal duct, headaches, etc.


Day 3                             

Morning (9AM – 1PM):

Examination of the cranium (5): update and practice of the of the basic tests of the craniocervical junction with the integration of new tests (line of force between obelion and inion, line of force of the posterior occipital arch and occipitomastoid suture, C0-C1 diastasis).

Afternoon (2:30PM-5PM):

Practical summary of Mechanical Link tests applied to the cranium of the neonate.