More about Mechanical Link

More about Mechanical Link


Designed and developed by Paul Chauffour, a French osteopath, Mechanical Link is an osteopathic diagnostic and treatment method.

According to the WHO, "osteopathy, also known as osteopathic medicine, relies on manual contact for diagnosis and treatment [...]. It lays emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body and the body's intrinsic tendency for self-healing.  One essential component of osteopathic health care is manual therapy [...] which refers to an array of manipulative techniques that may be combined with other treatments or advice [...]".

In this framework, based on the scientific knowledge that has been acquired and continuously updated, on 30 years of clinical experience and daily use in practice, Mechanical Link proposes an evolution of classical osteopathic practice in terms of diagnostic and treatment methodology.  Indeed, for Mechanical Link, and since its inception, the structural and functional integrity of the body is determined by the elasticity of its tissue.  Mechanical Link therefore strives to first identify, and treat, restrictions of elasticity, rather than the restrictions of mobility classically used as a diagnostic criterion.

While respecting the guiding principles of Andrew Taylor STILL, founder of osteopathy,

- the body is a unit,

- structure governs function,

- find the lesion, treat it and leave it alone, ...


Mechanical Link proposes to explore and evaluate the elasticity of structures other than those classically assessed in establishing a diagnosis.  Already brought forward in STILL's writings, arteries, bones and nerves are structures that are studied in theory in osteopathic curriculums, but strangely, are often ignored in clinical practice.

Just like communication networks, these structures cover all anatomical territories.  In that regard, they paly an essential role in osteopathy in the mechanical and metabolic equilibrium of the human body.

Mechanical Link's novel approach of these structures considerably widens the osteopathic diagnostic field, essential basis of an efficient and lasting treatment.

With its specific method of diagnosis and original treatment technique (the recoil), which requires no mobilisation of structures, Mechanical Link allies safety to diagnostic precision and long lasting efficiency to the treatment of patients. 

Osteopathic treatment according to the Mechanical Link method is designed for patients of all ages, the young and the elderly, as prevention, or for persons presenting different issues, as well as women during and after pregnancy, neonates, children and adolescents, athletes, sedentary individuals...  As he seeks to treat pain and the sequelae of heavy, extensive treatments, the Mechanical Link practitioner may accompany patients suffering from severe illnesses as a complement to conventional medical treatment.

The Mechanical Link course is available to students as they are completing their osteopathic studies but also to professionals who are looking to meet continuing education requirements while widening their field of expertise.