
The Mechanical Link presents a number of indications, some of them not widely known.

An osteopath may be consulted as a first-line health practitioner, which does not preclude seeking medical advice. 


Musculoskeletal issues : sprains, tendinitis, torticollis, neck pain, upper or lower back pain, coccyx pain and stiffness and pain related to osteoarthritis...

• Functional circulatory or nerve issues : sciatica, femoral nerve pain, intercostal neuralgia, facial pain, dental pain, neck and arm pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, pudendal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, post shingles nerve pain, complex regional pain syndrome, restless leg syndrome, heavy legs, Raynaud's syndrome...

• Cranial pain and ENT issues : headaches, migraine, sinusitis, otitis, chronic rhinitis, articular problems of the jaw, certain types of tinnitus, benign positional vertigo...

Endocrine disruptions : menstrual cycle issues, painful menstruations, menopause issues, certain unexplained fertility issues, chronic fatigue...

• Digestion issues : gastric reflux, gastritis, hiatal hernia, difficult digestion, irritable bowel syndrome, transit issues...

• Autonomic issues : spasmophilia, stress, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety...


But also :

• Care during pregnancy and following delivery

• Miscellaneous neonate symptoms (colic, regurgitation, unexplained crying, sleep issues, limited head rotation to one side, cranial deformation)

• Growing pains in children and adolescents, scoliosis, care during orthodontic treatment, dysmorphoses of the extremities (leg length difference, knee valgus or varus…)

• Urogenital issues (sequelae of kidney stones, cystitis, urinary leaks, fecal incontinence...) Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of this area are exlusively external

• Care of athletes, care of traumas related to sports, accidents or surgery (scars)

• Any recurring pain or pain that does not respond to medical treatment, preparation for surgical interventions, treatment to stop smoking, functional respiratory problems; generally speaking, any emergency that may be addressed by Osteopathy...