Master 1 : Osteoarticular system


LMO 1 et LMO 2 Osteoarticular periphery 



3 day course


Update the basic tests of the osteoarticular system of the spine, the thorax and the periphery, completing them with new tests.

Perfect the technique of the tension tests, the inhibitory balance tests and the recoil

Perfect the Mechanical Link diagnosis and treatment by integrating the combination of tests.

Develop the clinical applications of the osteoarticular system.



Basic tests of the occipito-vertebro-pelvic axis and new tests: ligamentum nuchae, sacrotuberous ligament, lateral arcuate ligament, epiphyseal line of the acromion, lines of force of the pelvic diameter.

Basic tests of the thorax and new tests: line of force of the ribs and costal ring.

Basic tests of the extremities and new tests: coxal bone, epiphyseal lines of the long bones of the periphery, periosteum.

Specific tests of peripheral joints: additional tests of the periarticular soft tissue.


Clinical applications: 

Dysmorphoses of the skeleton: scoliosis and kyphosis, pectus excavatum and carinatum, leg length differences, genu varum and valgum, anteversion of the angle of the femur, etc. 

Specific treatment of musculoligamentous and tendon pathologies.



DAY 1 

Morning (9AM-1PM):

Examination of the spineevaluation of the occipito-vertebro-pelvic axis (basic tests, new tests and specific tests). 

Clinical applications: neck pain, thoracic pain, lumbar pain, sciatica.

Afternoon (2:30PM-6:30PM): 

Examination of the posterior thoraxupdate and practice of the basic tests of the posterior thorax with the integration of new tests (arcuate ligament, lines of force of the ribs and scapulae, epiphyseal line of the acromion).

Clinical applications: thoracic pain, scoliosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis. 


DAY 2 

Morning (9AM-1PM):

General examination of the peripheryupdate and practice of the basic tests of the upper and lower extremities with the integration of new tests (coxal bone, epiphyseal lines, periosteum)

Clinical applications: osteoarticular pathologies of the periphery, dysmorphoses of the lower extremities.

Afternoon (2:30PM-6:30PM): 

Examination and specific treatment of the joints of the lower extremitiesupdate and practice of the specific tests of the hip, the knee, the ankle and the foot with the integration of new tests (ligamentous, tendinous and muscular tests). 

Clinical applications: articular, musculoligamentous and tendon pathologies of the lower extremity.


DAY 3 

Morning (9AM-1PM):

Examination and specific treatment of the joints of the upper extremitiesupdate and practice of the specific tests of the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and the hand with the integration of new tests (ligamentous, tendinous and muscular tests).

Clinical applications: articular, musculoligamentous and tendon pathologies of the upper extremity.

Afternoon (2:30PM-5:00PM): 

Examination and specific treatment of the anterior thoraxupdate and practice of the basic tests of the anterior thorax with the integration of new tests (epiphyseal lines of the  sternebrae, costal ring, lines of force of the ribs, sternopericardial ligaments)

Clinical applications: trauma to the thorax, thoracic dysmorphoses, functional pathologies of thoracic organs, somatoemotional aspect.